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Friday, September 5, 2008

D.I.Y Time: Becoming a God

The cup and ball has delighted millions of all ages with it's complexity. It is one of the few toys that people have grown up with that remains challenging, no matter the age. Even with it's challenge, it is a standby for good times that millions of American's play daily during dead time at work, boring classes, or even in the kitchen when waiting for a roast. Yes, the cup and ball is far and away one of the greatest qualities of life and can accurately be portrayed as a gift from God and proves His existence.

But if you can make your own... does that make YOU the new God?

Step 1: Find a cup
Like our Great Creator/you, you are not limited in your pursuit of finding a satisfactory cup for your game of ball and cup. The preconception is that the ball and cup has to be hand held. Not so. With any size of bucket, people will adapt and learn how to follow your lead as a ball and cup player/Lord. It is also an option to not even follow these directions and use some alternative concave object, like a hat. Some people might say that it doesn't work and that the cup was the best option, but you can just call them heretics and have them burned at the stake in your name.

Step 2: Find a ball
The ball you choose should probably be smaller than the cup you have. Probably. It doesn't matter though, you're gonna be a God now. You can set a new standard for ball and cup and say "thou doth only cup the ball with a ball bigger than thy cup" and BAM! Your shoddy workmanship is covered by calling blasphemy on naysayers.

Step 3: Find a String
The string is the unsung hero in ball and cup, because it is the only part of this game that does not get name dropped in its name. It's a shame, because the string is no doubt the single most important part of the game, besides the cup and ball. The string is what holds the two items together, no matter how ridiculous they are sized. There might be some confusion here, because instead of calling it the string, they call it BS and blind faith.

Step 4: You're a God!
Fuck yea!

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