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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dream Analysis 2

From the dream journal of Leon Firestone dated December 12, 2007:

I dreamt I was standing on my driveway. It was really foggy so I couldn’t see very far in any direction. Fortunately, a lighthouse was located a few blocks over, so once in a while the fog was penetrated thanks to a blinding, rotating light. On one particular rotation, I saw the silhouette of a large man on a horse coming towards me through the fog. Eventually, the horse meandered through the fog into plan view, but what was seated on the horse was not a large man, but a small flat faced bear! And you were there! And you were there! And you were there! And even you were there!

Analysis: This seems pretty straightforward. Leon clearly is looking for a man to enter his life through the fog that is his confused sexuality. Not just any man, mind you, but a hairy manly bear of a man.

Horse is also the street name for heroine. I think it’s safe to say based on this connection Leon could definitely give me the hook up.

As for the “And you were there!” stuff, I got nothing. I mean he’s writing this in a journal. Specifically, a journal no one else reads but myself for the purpose of science. I don’t know what it means, but I do know that’s some lonely fucking shit right there.

Bottom line: Probably gay with some lonely fucking shit.

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