First Line
This line can only have 5 syllables, and must be about nature. Keep in mind, use punctuation as you see fit. Sentences can start, but don't have to finish. Exploit this. If you can talk about the wind affecting something small like leafs or pebbles, that's for the best. If not, talk about a sharp disgust for freedom or capitalism.
A breeze blows leaves. Gone
Wind shatters the Dollar
The Axis conquers
Wind shatters the Dollar
The Axis conquers
Second Line
You have 7 syllables in this line, which gives you more freedom to not say anything relevant. This should describe the scene that the wind is blowing through, or crumbling America.
You have 7 syllables in this line, which gives you more freedom to not say anything relevant. This should describe the scene that the wind is blowing through, or crumbling America.
The forest is bare from. Gone
Gaze as the yen swims through blood
The Axis, seriously.
Gaze as the yen swims through blood
The Axis, seriously.
Third Line
To drive home the lack of originality the Japanese have, the U.S. Government had the third line be 5 syllables. No matter what you were writing about, whether it was about nature or capitalism being evil, you must end with:
To drive home the lack of originality the Japanese have, the U.S. Government had the third line be 5 syllables. No matter what you were writing about, whether it was about nature or capitalism being evil, you must end with:
We will never get bombed!
In hindsight, Eisenhower was kind of a dick.
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